Salvage of the S/V Talaria
An early fall storm wreaked havoc with the Southern New England coast on the weekend of October 28, 2006. As expected, Safe/Sea made preperations for regular patrols of area harbors for boats dragging their mooring or breaking free altogether.
Following patrols in the area immediately surrounding Conanicut Marina, Safe/Sea received reports of boats breaking free in Bristol Harbor. A crew of 3 aboard the M/V Safe/Sea Newport made their way from the southeast side of Jamestown to Bristol Harbor.
Once in Bristol Harbor, the crew of the M/V Newport spotted S/V Talaria, a 42-foot Endeavour sailboat running free through the harbor. Captain LeBlanc, at the controls of the M/V Newport, got along side the S/V Talaria while Captain Andy Casey, with the assistance of deckhand Hutchison boarded the casualty and immediately rigged a bridal to get the S/V Talaria in tow.
Shortly after getting the S/V Talaria in tow, Captain Casey (riding the casualty) noticed that the voilent seas had caused the towing bridal to already suffer serious chafing. After signalling Captain LeBlanc to loosen tension on the tow line so he could adjust the bridal in an attempt to allevaite some of the chafing.
Shortly after, it was decided that the Talaria would need to be temporarily placed on a mooring until the bridal could be rigged again and a safe place could be found for the casualty.
Overcoming 4-6 foot seas and 50+ knot gusts of wind, Captain LeBlanc maneuvered the Newport and her casualty to a mooring in the harbor. Once on the mooring, it was decided that the S/V Talaria would have to be rigged for a tow to Wickford Harbor where she could be placed safely in a slip.